The Financially Intentional Podcast

A twice-weekly podcast covering all things personal finance for those ready to build wealth but who may not know where to start.

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Calculating Health Care Cost into Your Financial Independence Number - Episode 6

Are you worried about how you are going to pay for healthcare if you retire before Medicare age? This conundrum has stumped early retirees and entrepreneurs for decades. Part of the problem is that we just plain unclear about how much healthcare coverage will cost. Lynn Frair and Ryan Connell have an answer. They have created a a healthcare calculator to help you estimate your costs. This is the nation's first healthcare cost calculator of it's kind through the lifespan for entrepreneurs and early retirees. And it’s available totally free.

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Hey there! I’m Naseema.

We all have a tendency to put everything else first, but in doing so, we sometimes neglect our finances in the process. No sweat! That’s what I’m here for. Let me be your coach and show you a no BS way to start building your wealth.