This Nurse Paid off $1 Million in Debt- Ep. 1

How the heck does someone get in so much debt?

I'll tell you how I acquired the debt and what I did to get out of it. I also share the freedoms I now enjoy because I set out on my path to financial independence.


Naseema McElroy: 00:22 How the heck does someone acquire $1 million in debt? That's typically the first question most people ask me when they hear about my debt. My canned answer is that, you know, I have two master's degrees and I had a house in the Bay area. The truth is, is how I got into debt and dug myself out isn't like what's really important to me. It's not that I'm arrogant, I'm trying to downplay what I did, but doing that, paying off that enormous amount of debt opened up a whole new world for me and just mastering my money in itself opened up a whole new world for me is a life that I didn't even know was possible because I wanted to do better for my daughter and I took the steps to make it happen. Through and because of this journey, I've been able to do so many things.

Naseema McElroy: 01:11 I've been able to flee an abusive marriage. I've been able to walk away from a disastrous work environment and I've been able to build a life where I can work as little as six days a month. I currently focus my days on my family and empowering people to seek more from life with financial freedom being the vehicle to get there. So, there's so much power in being able to free yourself from financial strain. So, when I started this journey, I was a single mom and my daughter was turning one. I just wanted to be able to keep my head above water. I was broke and I had nothing to show for the money I was making. I didn't even have $100 in a bank, y'all. So, I found myself in a position of having to borrow money to make ends meet. That was my breaking point.


This Nurse Retired at 40- Ep. 2


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