The Financially Intentional Podcast

A twice-weekly podcast covering all things personal finance for those ready to build wealth but who may not know where to start.

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This Nurse is Money Hungry - Ep. 56

Michelle’s drive to make more money lead her on the path to financial independence. Now she encourages others to pursue multiple income strategies and generate passive income.

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This Nurse Doesn’t Chase the Money - Ep. 49

Catie started the business after business trying to make millions then realized that she’s always had all the money she needed to achieve the goals she had set out for herself. Now she helps other nurses realize this through nursing entrepreneurship.

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This Nurse Wants to You to be Ready to Come out of this crisis ahead - Ep. 40

Nicole and Nadia made it from growing up in public housing to working on Wall Street. They credit their mother for having the insight to expose them to different experiences, all of which paved the path for them to achieve financial independence. They honor their mother by helping others with the knowledge they’ve gained and continue to seek. We are facing some challenging economic times, the Wealth Twins are here to help you weather the storm and emerge triumphantly.

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Hey there! I’m Naseema.

We all have a tendency to put everything else first, but in doing so, we sometimes neglect our finances in the process. No sweat! That’s what I’m here for. Let me be your coach and show you a no BS way to start building your wealth.