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Why It’s Important to Understand Social Security - Expert Edition Episode 62
Regular checks ensure our earnings are accurately recorded, which is crucial for predicting and securing our financial future upon retirement.
How to Build Wealth in Real Estate with Less Money Down - Episode 70
We will talk about insightful strategies on how to achieve significant cash flow without traditional bank loans, and discuss the advantages of owner financing in mobile homes.
Earning and Spending in the San Francisco Bay Area - Expert Edition Episode 61
I'm sharing how I handle my finances as a labor and delivery nurse in the San Francisco Bay Area.
An Unconventional Journey to Financial Freedom and Education Cost Hacking for Kids - Episode 69
We will talk about how our guest paid off debts, saved money, and even took mini-retirements to travel.
My Paycheck Exposed - Expert Edition Episode 60
I’m going to talk about something really interesting—my paycheck!
Building Wealth Through Mobile Home Park Investments - Episode 68
We discuss the potential in mobile home parks for creating wealth and community improvements.
Social Media is Fake - Expert Edition Episode 59
I talked about how sometimes I struggle with money, work, and being a mom to three awesome kids all by myself.
Empowerment and Resilience in Black and Brown Parenting - Episode 67
This episode dives deep into a topic that's close to our hearts and impacts our communities greatly: the institutional racism within our healthcare system.
You Don’t Need a Financial Advisor - Expert Edition Episode 58
I'm super excited to share three awesome tips to help you grow your money without needing a financial advisor.
Do you have insurance on your Baby Daddy? - Episode 66
Parents should consider getting life insurance for each other, even if they're not living together anymore.
Single Women Leading in Home Ownership - Expert Edition Episode 57
Did you know that in most places in the United States, women who are not married own more houses than men who are not married?
Moms and Money Managing Family Finances and Raising Financially Savvy Kids - Episode 65
We dive into how moms like us can manage our money better and teach our kiddos to be smart with their cash too.
Navigating Family Dynamics When Your Child Earns More - Expert Edition Episode 56
Imagine your kid starts making more money than you by streaming videos online. Pretty awesome, right?
Financial Intentionality in Love and Money - Episode 64
We'll talk about my own experiences being the one who brings home the bacon, and why it's cool to talk openly about money with the people we love.
The Staggering Expense of Raising Children Today - Expert Edition Episode 55
An article from the U.S. Department of Labor that says childcare costs a lot of money everywhere in the United States. This makes it super hard for families to afford to have kids!
Building Wealth Beyond Nursing with Tyrin Tyson - Episode 63
Tyron has been through a lot, from facing challenges in nursing to making big moves in building his own wealth. He's here to share his secrets with us so we can all grow our money without making the same mistakes he did.
Navigating Financial Security with Emergency Funds - Expert Edition Episode 54
We're talking about emergency funds—money that you save just in case something unexpected happens, like losing your job or your car breaking down.
From Piggy Banks to Stocks: A Guide for Young Investors - Episode 62
We talk about why it's so important to start learning about money when you're young, just like learning how to ride a bike or swim.
How to Buy a Car Without Breaking the Bank - Expert Edition Episode 53
Right now, buying a car can be really tough because the prices are super high and the interest rates are even higher!
A Career That Sounds Too Good To Be True - Episode 61
We are here to share how anyone, no matter where they come from or what they know, can learn Salesforce and find a great job that lets them live the life they dream about.
Hey there! I’m Naseema.
We all have a tendency to put everything else first, but in doing so, we sometimes neglect our finances in the process. No sweat! That’s what I’m here for. Let me be your coach and show you a no BS way to start building your wealth.